
Broadly, I study teacher practice and school change using sociocultural, sociological, and organizational perspectives. I’m especially interested in how sociocultural context mediates how schools and teachers implement innovative school models, specifically personalized learning and other high-tech instructional practices designed to ensure educational equity. I examine unintended consequences of implementation, and explore how contextual elements interact with how policies and instructional reforms are interpreted and enacted. I am also interested in how policy implementation differs across contexts, how BIPOC students are framed as policy targets, and how different policies and reforms at the federal, state, local, and organizational levels intersect to inform school and classroom practice.

I am a qualitative methodologist, with expertise in case study (including single and multiple case study, within- and cross-case analysis, process tracing, and qualitative comparative analysis); phenomenology; and ethnographic methods. I use qualitative methods, including interviews, observations, focus groups, document analysis, and physical and digital artifact analysis, as well as surveys. I also draw on policy analysis and discourse analysis methods.

Beyond my empirical work, I write about social context and the education policy climate, the use of interdisciplinary frameworks in policy research, and best practices and conceptual issues in qualitative methodology.


Select peer-reviewed articles and book chapters

Bingham, A.J. (2023). Matthew Arnold. In B. Geier, A. Knox, A.F. Osanloo, & R. Garza Mitchell (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers. Springer. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-81037-5_24-1

Bingham, A.J. & Burch, P. (2023). Schools and education systems. In B. Maxwell & L. Bialystok (Eds.), Policy Foundations in Education. Bloomsbury.

Bingham, A.J., & Witkowsky, P. (2022). Deductive and inductive approaches to qualitative data analysis. In C. Vanover, P. Mihas, & J. Saldaña (Eds.), Analyzing and interpreting qualitative data: After the interview. SAGE Publications.

Bingham, A.J. (2021). How distributed leadership facilitates technology integration: A case study of “pilot teachers.” Teachers College Record, 123(7).

Bingham, A.J., Adams, M., Stewart, R. (2021). Making sense of competency-based education. The Qualitative Report, 26(3).

Burch, P., Bingham, A.J., & Miglani, N. (2020). Rethinking distributed school leadership frameworks in contemporary policy contexts. Peabody Journal of Education.

Bingham, A.J. (2019). A look at personalized learning: Lessons learned. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 55(3), 124-129.

Bingham, A.J. & Burch, P. (2019). Introducing organizational ambidexterity as a lens for policy research. Policy Futures in Education, 17(3), 402-420. https://doi.org/10.1177/1478210318813269

Bingham, A.J., Castillo, J., & Dean, S. (2019). Qualitative comparative analysis in educational research: Procedures, processes, and possibilities. Methodological Innovations. https://doi.org/10.1177/2059799119840982

Clayton, G., Bingham, A.J., & Ecks, G. (2019). Characteristics of the opt-out movement: Early evidence for Colorado. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(33). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.27.4126

Bingham, A.J. (2018). New institutionalism in everyday life. International Journal of Sociology and Education, 7(3), 237-255. DOI: 10.17583/rise.2018.3532

Clayton, G. & Bingham, A.J. (2018). The first year: Assistant principals in Title I schools. Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 1(2).

Bingham, A.J., Pane, J., Steiner, E, & Hamilton, L. (2018). Ahead of the curve: Implementation challenges in the personalized learning movement. Educational Policy, 32(3), 454-489. DOI: 0895904816637688.

Bingham, A.J. (2017). Personalized learning in high technology charter schools. Journal of Educational Change, 18(4), 521-549.

Bingham, A.J. & Ogunbowo Dimandja, O. (2017). Staying on track: Examining teachers’ experiences in a personalized learning model. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 12(2), 75-96.

Bingham, A. J. & Burch, P. (2017). Navigating middle of the road reforms through collaborative community. Democracy and Education, 25(2), Article 1. 

Bingham, A.J. (2016). Drowning digitally? How disequilibrium shapes practice in a blended learning charter school. Teachers College Record, 118(1), 1-30.

Coming soon

Bingham, A.J., Mitchell, R., & Carter, D. A Practical Guide to Theoretical Frameworks for Social Science Research. Routledge.

Bingham, A.J. From data management to actionable findings: A five-phase process of qualitative data analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

Article requests

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