Planning a qualitative study

A qualitative study, like any study, requires a lot of planning, and has a lot of moving pieces. When I first started doing research, I found it hard to organize myself and to anticipate all the things I would need to plan and do in order to conduct a rigorous study. In one of my doctoral classes, we used a graphic organizer to help us plan our studies and I found it to be immensely helpful as a way to stimulate my thinking and to outline my approach. When I became a professor, I decided to develop my own graphic organizer for my students based on how I thought about qualitative research, and on what I wanted my students to be thinking about as they developed their own studies.

Click HERE to access the qualitative research project planner.

I’ve posted this resource in my Teaching Resources section as well, but I think it’s useful for anyone planning a qualitative study.


Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research Panel


Qualitative analysis: Deductive and inductive approaches